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Sawirada: Petr Cech – Premier League iyo kulamadii ugu xasuusta badnaa.

In pictures: Petr Cech – a Premier League great

Cech made in instant impact at Chelsea following his 2004 signing

Cech ayaa saameyn degdeg ah ku yeeshay Chelsea ka dib markii uu ku soo biiray 2004tii (Rebecca Naden / PA)

Celebrating a first Premier League title

Isagoo dabaaldegaya horyaalkii ugu horeeyay ee Premier League (Nick Potts / PA)

Premier League attacks were regularly frustrated by Cech

Weerarada Premier League waxaa si joogta ah u joojin jiray  Cech (Owen Humphreys / PA)

appearance in the scrum cap he would become so synonymous with

Samaynta muuqaalkiisa ugu horreeya ee xiritaanka maaskaraadka waa sawirkiisa ugu horeeyay(Rebecca Naden / PA)

Saving an FA Cup final penalty in 2010

Saarista finalkii FA Cup ee 2010 (Chris Ison / PA)
Lifting the Champions League in 2012Horyaalka Champions League ee 2012 (Owen Humphreys / PA)

And the Europa League a year later

Iyo Europa League sannad ka dib (Nick Potts / PA)

A fourth and final title

Magaca afaraad iyo kan ugu dambeeya (Mike Egerton / PA)

In new colours, Cech joined Arsenal in 2015

Midabada cusub, Cech oo ku biiray Arsenal sanadka 2015 (Simon Peach / PA)

Back at Chelsea, with Arsenal

Markii ku soo laabtay Chelsea, Arsenal (Adam Davy / PA)

Five FA Cups

Shan FA Cup (Adam Davy / PA)

And soon, goodbye

Iyo ugu dhakhsaha badan, Nabadgelyo (Nick Potts / PA)

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